can't start a fire without a spark

can't start a fire without a spark

(trying something new, adding my voice reading this to whoever it may serve (6.5 min))

Hey, I am nothing without the people I've encountered in this life which includes you. Seriously, I’m a hype man for THE PEOPLE. You email me and I’ll tell you every good thing I know about you. Every person is a teacher and the people you let influence you can change you for the better. I see your influence in my day to day. Just this morning I realized that if not for my first ever friend Megan, I would not know the music of the Beatles. If not for my quietest friend Nate M., I would not know a great cup of coffee like I do. 

If not for my bodyworker friend Liam offering me care this week, I would not have accessed yoga today or spent extra time massaging my feet afterwards. If not for my virgo friend Caitlin, I would not know coworking or structure in my days, that my goals are worth accomplishing. If not for my adamantly unconventional friend Jen living in her autonomy, I would not know the work of recovering my own autonomy, growing in boundaries. If not for you taking the time to read this, I would not write and would miss out on a huge part of working this shit out and hearing myself.

Just want to name here what a fucking sacred container processing life (or a book) together can be. I just completed the 12 week "Artist's Way" on creative recovery with three friends. I was the only person they each knew. To witness the resonance and comfort grow between them was a pure delight for me. To participate in authentic connection and feel belonging is a gift. To me, the collaboration of love and learning is what real magic is. It's so counter culture and that's why I'm trying to fold you into it.

I see with the eyes of love very easily for people, often to my detriment. The presence I offer is in admiration and celebration of the individual in front of me and all they did to make it to here. I'm too weird, wild, and open hearted to be judgmental. I believe this is my spiritual gift to offer the community I am so humbly a part of. To have your attention in an attention deficit society makes me take seriously what I share here with you. Our time is so precious.

With all of this in mind, I feel excited to create spaces of care for you because I DO care. The mutual benefit is that I also feel my heart work is valued by your participation. I'm really looking forward to hosting these containers for our collective liberation and growing alongside one another. Please please please join. If not these things, then tell me what you need. If not these times, then tell me what works for you! I want to hear from you! I want to connect!


// MEN’S BOOK CLUB SATURDAYS START APR 6TH 9AM PST/ 12PM EST I AM URGING YOU, PLEASE JOIN! This is for men who love, who try, who care—to partner in true solidarity. My male friends assist my recovery. This effort is for my healing and it’s for your healing, too. Maybe you want more insight and ease on your part in relating to people in your life. Or maybe you want to participate in actual deconstruction work, which involves community. I understand that’s hard to access when you’ve been indoctrinated into hyper individualism, self protection, and emotional shame. A true gesture of love for you, I am willing to share what I have to give with you because we desperately need you meeting us in this evolutionary moment. And I believe you also believe we deserve rights to our bodies. But if this is it, then we are screwed.

We will be reading “All About Love” by bell hooks one-two chapters a week (we can decide) and learning about radical ways to think about loving beyond the realm of romance. Let’s learn more and get freer together. Guided by my tender spirit, direct communication, and the information I have collected on our conditioning, I am here for you! If you are unsure if this is for you, ask an important womxn in your life if they would advise it and then listen to them. This is a deal of a lifetime. // SUGGESTED DONATION $11 + generous tipping FOR THE ENTIRETY

// QUEER&FEM BOOK CLUB SATURDAYS START APR 6TH 11A PST/2PM EST This will be a space for queer huemxns & female identifying allies. Checking in with a small group of people each week has been magical and connective af. Considering The Artist’s Way again or willing to create small groups for those interested. Also thinking about reading Women Who Run with Wolves or Pleasure Activism together…tell me which one you want to do or suggest another! I want to read and discuss together! Hoping to create an intentional container to explore abolition and deconstruction kind of work in communion. Would love to have you. //SUGGESTED DONATION $7 FOR THE ENTIRETY

// MENDING TOGETHER SUNDAY APR 7TH 3-6PM PST/ 6-9PM EST I sense many of us grieving and lacking supportive rituals around it. As I understand grief, it is meant to expand us into more wholeness. This is an online “come as you are” gathering. I will be mending some clothing and sharing from the heart. Stay for an hour+ or leave after fifteen minutes. Bring your mending or don’t. It’s just a space to feel the presence of others honoring our losses. Might just be the two of us, who knows. Let’s see. // FREE



// $$$ Donations will be going to the online classroom cost, extras will go to The Learning Garden, a free resource around food sovereignty, providing produce to the poorest county in Michigan and informational zines for all. Alternatively, if you want to support my work without partaking in my offerings, I thank you kindly for a one time cash/venmo payment @caradenden or sign up for a monthly paid subscription that keeps me fed all year, HERE

I hope to see you soon. Thank you so much.

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